Designer: OmniGlitcher | Version: Minecraft 1.12 | Resolution: 16x16
Candy Craft is a neat pack full of color and vibrancy. It’s like playing in a full scale Candyland. The blocks may take you a bit to get used to but ultimately it’s a deliciously fun pack.

first comment! wow this texture pack is so crazy cool.. its literally like candy land i like it! it makes you feel like ur in a whole different game lol
Yeah, I totellly love it since my BFF has this texture to her game… it wont install on my PC though which is
a big shame….
i <3 u so much mitch make more merome vids! @bajancanadian
Thanks :) I will use this texture pack for HungerGames And Hey doods please sub to my channel :3 Much luv <3 and take care I love this texture pack :)
everyone knows popular minecraft gamers don’t advertise their own channel.. duh. nice try though but not good enough..
ur not Bajan! FAKE
I am trying realy hard not to believe that guy. Sigh. why do people always try to pretend they’re famous utubers? huh. if u ask me, they’re trying for some attention. 0_0
dude ur the real bajancanadian or u fake?
I used this when i first started minecraft.Oh, the meories
hell ya make more!!
Looks like…Ehm…Everything is made of sweets.
Wanna get it!
Nice Texture Pack :D. Enjoyed it. Ill be doing a texture pack review soon, and ill be including this. If you want to watch it, check out my channel!: Maxsy from Minecraft
I love this so much I can’t be leave how cute dis is :D.
Omg I lOVE IT I littrally tryed to eat my tv screen its awsoe
Very nice resource pack! So cuteee :33
Gotta download it
NOW!!! :D
this is so awesome like seriusoly
I saw Thinknoodle’s video on Think’s Lab when he previewed Candy Craft, and it’s AMAZING! I cannot believe the dirt looks like……looks like…..ugh I can’t describe how yummy and sweet it looks!!! I wish life was like this the way it was in MineCraft. But I’d be halfway sucked up through candy dirt in the first 10 seconds. I wouldn’t even survive 25 seconds in Candyland. LOL I really want a theme park like CANDYLAND!! You cou…..wait, this is getting off topic bye.
Nice resource pack, thinking of getting it soon!
how do i download this thing! I REALLY want this but i can’t
This looks good enough to eat!!!!!!!!
This is AWESOME! One of my favorite texture packs! :)
Nice pack dude
The Villagers Are So Creepy!! XD!
Love candycraft Love it! The bad thing is you can’t combine it with other texture packs. You can but it doesn’t look different.
Hopefully it will work on my computer c: