Designer: dustyshouri | Version: Minecraft 1.12 | Resolution: 32x32
DustyCraft is a 32×32 texture pack that was originally released in September 2010. The pack has a very high level of detail and comes with some interesting custom mob textures.

I like pretty realistic yet nicely cartoonish
really nice fer’ minecraft.
I love it… It just perfect (:
how do i install it
To install it, you’ll need download the .zip file. Once it’s on your desktop, open the .zip file and drag it onto the Minecraft desktop icon. And voilà, it will be installed!
Just go into Minecraft, and look in the texturepack menu for it. If for some reason it doesn’t work, just exit MC and try dragging the .zip file itself onto the MC desktop icon repeatedly for 30 seconds.
Just click on download, then put the .zip file in %appdata% – roaming – .minecraft – texture packs.
then go to minecraft and click on texture pack and click DustyCraft! :D
look at the ‘installing texture pack’ guilde
i like it, but hate the stone.
what a cute little creeper
Meh, looks pretty nice, but it’s not my thing.
I’m going to tell my brother to check this out though, he’s fond of making large structures.
this is sick my brother loves it
thats such a creative mode tetruxe pack it looks so cool!causminecraft is so awsome i cant wait for it to come out for xbox360 and i hope it has all those tetruxe packs with it or it gets addons for it
Sorry To Burst Your Bubble Sausan… But You DO Know That Only Mojang’s Texture Packs (The One’s Mojang Made) Are The Only One’s Coming Out, Right?
I like this Texture Pack well enough to download it
i love it, but the cobblestone kinda looks off, anyway its still really cool.
If the cobblestone is in either pic 1 or 3, then I’d say it’s fine. If it’s not, then I have no idea. XD
This is great, looks very classy and easy to get used to, great texture pack, thank you very much!
Looks pretty awesome, but I dont really like the creeper.