LegoPak is the original Lego themed Minecraft texture pack.
BoxCraft is a 16x16 simplistic texture pack with a very boxy feel.
Pulito is a simplistic texture pack inspired by Adriorn's Básico.
Smoothic is a really unique simplistic texture pack with very bright colours and a consistent ...
Very creative concept!
lol omg so awesome legos in minecraft! i used to play with legos so much once i made a 3 foot tall skyscraper
Virtual LEGO! :D
Legos in minecraft? Hmm…
And minecraft in legos O_o
Its so cool!! :) i Like the flowers.
so this is how it feels like to play minecraft lego 0.o
i love lego, and I love minecraft, but I never have time for the two separately, so now I can do both in double speed!
i fell bad for my minecraft guy now he has to experience stepping on a lego were ever he gos
Imagine walking…ouch!
this looks awsome
can’t wait until this is 100% finished C:
oohh hey
I think about cool clean and very cute and so smooth thing beutiful now when i texture pack this is very nice i will planet now
Looks like Roblox except with circle studs!
To get the latest version visit
Hi benjaminister could u please add this idea of pumpkins LEGO heads ? It would make it more cooler and more like lego
Oh wow this was the original Lego texture pack! Amazing how far resource packs have come since this. It’s crazy to see this was from 12 years ago.
Very creative concept!
lol omg so awesome legos in minecraft! i used to play with legos so much once i made a 3 foot tall
Virtual LEGO! :D
Legos in minecraft? Hmm…
And minecraft in legos O_o
Its so cool!! :) i Like the flowers.
so this is how it feels like to play minecraft lego
i love lego, and I love minecraft, but I never have time for the two separately, so now I can do both in double speed!
i fell bad for my minecraft guy now he has to experience stepping on a lego were ever he gos
Imagine walking…ouch!
this looks awsome
can’t wait until this is 100% finished C:
oohh hey
I think about cool clean and very cute and so smooth thing beutiful now when i texture pack this is very nice i will planet now
Looks like Roblox except with circle studs!
To get the latest version visit
Hi benjaminister could u please add this idea of pumpkins LEGO heads ?
It would make it more cooler and more like lego
Oh wow this was the original Lego texture pack! Amazing how far resource packs have come since this. It’s crazy to see this was from 12 years ago.