Life HD
Designer: Storm_Core_Films | Version: Minecraft 1.8 | Resolution: 128x128
Life HD is a photo-realistic detailed texture pack that almost turns Minecraft into a whole new game! Many of the textures for blocks and items have been sourced from real photos.

holy crap this texture pack is Awesome!
Wow. I’m totally using this in a video sometime soon.
Hey Jordan what’s up?
I dont think there really because anyone can name themselves that plus whats the chances of them all messaging on the same one
liked it and i think its pritty cool
You’re not CaptainSparklez xD I can see that the spelling’s not right
This texture pack looks real and cool
It’s a very good texture pack ! ;)
Yep! I love it
Good texture pack!
you deadlox
omg its deadlox im a big fan of you
No hes not deadlox
How I know?
“AntVenom” &
All commented on the same texturepack and what re the odds of that hm?
No he’s not deadlox.
Want to know how I know?
“SkyDoesMinecraft” &
All commented on the same Recsorce Pack
wow pretty awsome pack u made!
omg this looks so nice
Nice Texture ! I LOVE IT
OMG i love this texture packs Skydoesminecraft should use it :)
great texture pack, but add trapped chests please
Good Texture pack!
Oh my gosh! I love this texture pack!
good Texture pack
Amazing texture pack dood!
hi deadlox and skydoesminecraft i love you both
Looks pretty nice from the pictures.
how do you install these texture packs because im a noob at this
you press the download button thats at the bottom.
Great texture pack! I love it!
Hey, this is a really amazing texture pack, really adds a lot more gameplay into minecraft! oh, and are you two the real Deadlox and SkyDoesMinercaft?
oh my god what a realistic one
Hey that pretty cool texture pack! Diamonds to you!
this is one of my favs
Pretty texture pack. I like it.
Wow! It looks real!
TNT not looks very awesome
nice textures anyway
its epic
Love the look and feel of it. Certainly look forward to employing it with my let’s plays.
it does not look as good as i thought it would be by well done with the textures.
I can’t download it it says “Too Much People Downloading” D:
Sky and Deadlox wow!
Holy crap mate this is amazing!
awesome texture pack
this texture pack is awesome sauce!
Epic Texture pack
There fake Youtubers, they cant even spell the youtubers names like CaptianSparklez.
There all just fake.
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Im totally goin to make an episode featuring this texture pack sometime soon…
this is an amazing pack
Cool texture pack! Really realisticish! :)
WTF This is amazing!!!-__-
Wow this texturepack is awesome dude!! Maybe I should use this in a video sometime! I may be bringing out a new channel so subcribe to that!
Amazing resource pack!
Hi, good Resource Packs. :D -=- Siema, fajna Rosource Packs. :D
The comment section is being taken over by imposters that are showing themselves as youtubers. D:
Cool texture pack tho
insane texture pack
Cool texture pack. i sugest this to all looking for a realistic texture pack.
oh my god i love this texture pack. might use it in a video sometime. its pretty cool.
Wew! Nice pack, gonna use it in my next coming out video on youtube!!
Nice texture pack you got there, bud.
I love this texture pack, but can you add all 1.8.1 features and maybe change mobs? Other than this this is my fav pack!
Too Evil, But Pretty Flowers!
Great pack I don’t really use texture packs much but I will use this in tobygames sometime bilbo
stop….we all know you’re not the real one, because we have never seen a video with you using it…
There’s a problem with the enchantment table. When I place the item I want to enchant in the enchantment slot, the item is slightly shifted to the right of the GUI item slot. Not a huge deal but can it be fixed?
Anyway, amazing texture pack, will use for future videos!
Is this a Real Life Texture pack Because is say Life HD but I want a real life texture pack! Tell me is this a real life texture pack! Ok
its a texture pack with textured taken from real photos not for real life. But that’s what could happen in the future. You never know….
It says photo realism, meaning they are photos pasted on the texture, so yes, it is real life.
Love this texture pack so much, I cant stand the reg minecraft one now, and imposters, gtfo. Can you add the 1.8.1 textures to it?
Good very good
wow this is a good texture pack, i will definitely use this sometime. it looks very realistic and i like that!!!
I know there fake because Jerome doesn’t use texture packs boyyy get ur facts right spammer
Hmmm Not Very Good But Awesome :)
awesome texture pack I downloaded it just today
awesome love it so cool my fav get it now
it is the best texture pack I’ve seen
STOP FAKING YOUTUBERS, I know all of them and some of you spell wrong and LDShadowlady likes to use correct grammar, not “i like that’ with no capital I and youtubers use a different site for texture e packs so STOP FAKING IT!
I’ve used this texture pack and let me just say, HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So awesome! Shout-out to the creator!! :-)
Good Texture Pack!
Amazing texture pack, but there’s no texture other than the default for some things.
is good good
Nice texture pack it is cool and so realistic
my mom thought it is real life haha
Were these photos taken from real life?
awesome,but miss some texture ;)
Vines…miss this one..would be fantastic if can retexture this one!i love use for my acient waterfall :D
OMG This Texture pack is amazing i feel like im in real life exept the tnt texture so yeah lovley texture pack
This is such a cool pack
awesome, but miss some texture ;)
Vines… miss this one… It would be fantastic if can retexture this one! I love to use for my ancient waterfall
This Texture pack is amazing.I love this one.