Misa’s Realistic Pack
Designer: Misa | Version: Minecraft 1.6 | Resolution: 64x64
Misa’s Realistic Texture Pack is designed to look semi-realistic and be easy on the eyes, avoiding too many bright colours. The pack was the first complete high resolution texture pack ever made and set the bar for future texture packs.

Nice TexturePack
Serdecznie polecam :D PL górą :P
Looks good – grass could be brighter though. Looking a bit too olive-like for my tastes.
I agree
I cant seem to download but, nice texture pack.
download mc patcher
Nice tex pack
Nice pack.It would look great with this seed:
do it exactly like that
I really like the textures, but one problem so far that I have is that the compass does not work. can that be fixed?
Use the Mc patcher and it will make the compass work
nice, briliant job
what seed is that
the glass is my favorite part!
-BRiA xoxoxo
Installed it, looks awesome, but my water blocks say ” use latestest MC Patcher” I did that but still not fixed.
Man That cow already scares me O.o not sue I can handle the mobs D:
how did u make that house??
by building it
i built that house :D
I have been using the Misa texture pack for quite some time. This version I have issues with.The biggest issue is that the English language is all garbaged up. Any body else experiencing this?
I am also getting this
gona take a long time or 20 mins its 33.4 mbs but worth it
I have been using this texture pack for a couple of months now, i do not use any other. It has a wide veriety of all mobs and monsters. there are like 20 different looking zombies, like 10 diffrent creepers, so on and so forth, I rally reccomend this texture pack. it is amazing, all the colors and blocks kind of blend so its not really pixaly and what-not. Everything is changed, i LOVE it.
i got this but the water is not water it has words on it and you cant swim at all
WOW what world seed is that
hey i have a question how do you fix the water lava and parts of certon blocks where they appear on fire and stuff
Download the MCPatcher, open it, click the bubble next to Better Grass, and click patch. That should fix it.
Where do i download the MCPatcher?
Nice texture pack man
download optifine or MCpatcher
nice texture pack but redsotne and lava and water glitch out saying”get the lastest version of MCPatcher” wat do i do?
Can you PLEASE do an x128 version of this? Such a great pack!
great graphics but mobs are really creepy seriously
I installed the texture pack perfectly fine and it works, but how do i get the different textures of mobs to show up?
how do i bring this from sfri to my downloads in my laptop 2 upload it
man this pack looks awesome plus i love the house and the animals look better too :D
Great texture pack. I am downloading it.
the grass blocks and some other stuff needs to0 be fixed
but everything else is perfect
Cool texture pack :D! Maybe I’ll download it!
Best texture pack EVER.
That texture pack is so realistic that a spider scared me while venturing in a stronghold. Didnt get that scared in a game since Amnesia!
Keep up the great work!
my fav tex pack but its not working with xmod so i either have great gfx or great addition did you ever make a non hd version of these textures so i can run it with xmod (i know i need mcpatcher but it conflicts with xmods installation and there is no work around that i can work out)
Nice pack i think i will download it the mobs are a little creepy though
(if there is no piggy i will flip out)
So far this is the only Texture pack I use cause it has the best look.
The mobs etc are indeed also awesome.
I love the dispensers with the animation!!
great i am searching for weeks for that kind of a texture pack thanks allot
this texture pack is amazingly great:D i especially like the night sky:D
AWESOME! I really love da glass nd da water! <3
Its a wonderful texture pack but it causes a ton of major lag spikes lag and causes me to crash alot and when i use to many minecarts FPS go down to 3 OMG
It could really use some lag fixes but evrything else such as texture and the items are really really realstic colerful and very nice i enjoy this texture pack its better than my non-updated insperation texture pack
Its a nice texture pack until you go into a cave. The torchlight is so dim and orange and it’s hard to see anything, as well as the menus are untextured even though I have run MCPatcher and can use the Dokucraft pack. Also, it crashes often.
This is a perfect texture pack when i play minecraft!
One of the greatest texture packs ever made in minecraft history
Don’t get me wrong, I love this pack and I think it’s gorgeous, but after playing it for a little while I started to find it a bit overwhelming. Especially in caves and in small spaces. Also, cobblestone next to smooth stone seems more jarring in this pack than in others I’ve tried.
Still, I’m going to keep it and use it for “glamour shots” of my houses and stuff because it’s amazing. It makes my water garden gorgeous. It even makes my crummy STOREROOM gorgeous. And not even gonna lie, I went down to my netherwart farm to pull some up and yelped out loud when I saw the soul sand.
tl;dr: I love this pack but for me it is, as they say, a “sometimes food.”
so nice verry good :)
I like it reminds me a bit of dokucraft
Awesome texturepack i love it
the fire seems realistc!
This is the best texture pack I’ve ever seen so far- honest! Thank you so much and for the price: just blows me away! (free)
One thing: the glass would be better if it had more of a per-block outline/grid on it. In glass structures, it is hard to see.
I will definately be using this for awhile!
this is the best texture pack I’ve ever used!
This pack is awesome but it would be better to update it.
Would love to see an 1.8 Update for this pack. It was my favorite!
I was wondering if you could do a 1.14 update. Please and thank you.